Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Letter From My Union, AFSCME, On Health Care Reform

Yesterday I received an email from the international president of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME), I've quoted it below. The link they provided takes one directly to a pre-texted email that goes directly to my House representative with words that basically say, vote FOR health care, blah blah blah... Fortunately, the pre-texted email allows you to change or add to the wording of the email going to my House representative. Since I am against this current farce of a bill that does not lower health care costs and takes our country down that slippery slope to a point of unsustainable debt and perhaps bankruptcy, I reworded my email; I've also quoted it below. I will say, however, that my representative is Darrell Issa (R-CA), and as you know from his many media appearances, he will vote 'no' on this bill (if there is a vote). We all need to take a stand AGAINST this effort. If you have not been able to call your representative, please do take the time to email them as well; or better yet, do both.

The email from AFSCME:

Dear Member,

This is the week we've been waiting for — the week when members of the House of Representatives choose to stand with us or the insurance companies.

The insurance industry operatives and Republican talking heads you see on cable TV say we need to start over and spend another year — or another decade — before we pass reform. They twist the facts to say that the public opposes reform, but what the public really opposes are attempts to water down or kill reform to keep the insurance companies happy.

AFSCME members like you are fighting the good fight and have been a critical voice for the past year in the health insurance reform debate. Together, we've made literally tens of thousands of phone calls and sent even more emails to our senators and representatives. The insurance industry has deep pockets and is doing all it can to kill reform — but we won't let them win. This is our moment.

The bill that the House will soon vote on would end the ability of insurance companies to deny coverage to those who have pre-existing conditions — or deny coverage when you get sick. It would require insurance companies to pay for preventive care. It would also allow parents to keep their unemployed children on their policies until they turn 26. And it would end taxpayer funded subsidies to Big Insurance.

The historic nature of this moment cannot be overstated. The opportunity to end insurance company abuses is a moment for which we have worked long and hard. It is a vote that will affect our children, and their children. Please take a moment now to contact your member of Congress. Tell him/her the time has come to stand up to the insurance companies. The time has come to pass health care reform.

Please go to: paign/stand_up_for_reform

Thanks to you, when the history books are written on this struggle, they will read: AFSCME was there.

In solidarity,

Gerald W. McEntee
International President

My email to my representative, Darrell Issa (R-CA):

It is time to end this insanity to take our state, our country, and our future over the cliff. You cannot continue to spend massive amounts of taxpayer dollars on this farce you call health care reform. You cannot enforce price controls on insurance companies without cutting the actual cost of health care provided by doctors and providers--it is foolish and ideological to think that you can, and this will only result in bankrupting insurance companies. It is insane and not logical to think that you will be able to control costs by enacting price controls on insurance companies alone.

There are real reforms that can be enacted; you can start with enacting tort reform laws, allow interstate buying of insurance, let people deduct their insurance costs as companies do now, allow health savings account deductions, provide refundable tax credits so individuals can buy their own insurance, and allow small business to pool together to buy insurance for employees in any state.

There are so many more SMARTER actions you can take. A vote FOR this maniacal action by you will equate to my vote AGAINST you in the next election. And, believe me, I will take every action necessary to build a populus to OUST you from your seat.

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